Monday, March 30, 2009

A New Position

As of today (at around 5:30pm) I am officially the President of Lebanon Valley College's Feminist organization, "The F-Word." I've known it was coming for awhile, but tonight I still kept walking around thinking, "I'm President. I'm President."

I do not have any agenda when it comes to the F-Word. My job is not to make everyone at LVC a feminist, nor is to make anyone a feminist anywhere. I view this as yet another way, another channel and revenue in which I can work for equality and social issues. 

When I went to LVC Live! with my Mom last April, I was convinced that I wanted to join and be involved in the F-Word. It's strange what has happened in a year. On Saturday, Kayla and I will be working the table for the incoming students of year 2013.

I am thrilled, excited and humbled to have this new position. I hope and pray I serve it well!

"When I see the elaborate study and ingenuity displayed by women in the pursuit of trifles, I feel no doubt of their capacity for the most herculean undertakings."
-Julia Ward Howe


Kayla said...

Congrads! You're going to do wonderfully. Love you.

Cody Cook said...

Congrats! I see that you're also a Christian. In what ways do you find that your feminism compliments your Christianity, and it what ways do you see traditional feminism as contradictory to it?

P.S.-- you might be interested in this audio lecture called "The Feminist Case Against Abortion" which delves into historical feminism's support of the pro-life movement and reasons why feminists should embrace the pro-life position: