Wednesday, December 10, 2008

First Semester Of College

Yesterday at 4:16pm I officially ended my first semester of college. It went so fast!

I am attending Lebanon Valley College, which is a small private school in the city of Annville. I was accepted in Elizabethtown, HACC, Lancaster Bible.. but LVC was always my first choice, and when I received my acceptance letter I knew it was where I wanted to be. And now, the first semester is over.

Starting in August, not knowing a soul was very difficult. My two best friends just left for different states, and I felt lonely. I had a ever present hole in my heart. In some ways, that hole is still not filled and never will be-because you cannot replace relationships. However, at the college I have found niches for myself and people I would consider my friends.

The F Word club has been one of my greatest joys. It is a club that discusses and works with the concepts of feminism. Its good to be around people whose goal is not to hate men, but to work for equality for all people. I also got to be editor of the F Word newsletter, which was a wonderful opportunity.. To be able to combine my writing with an issue I feel so strongly about is great.

My classes this semester were good. (Except for Statistics which I dropped two months into) My favorite however, was my Sex And The City class. It was an English FYS class which discussed mostly women's issues-things like beauty, relationships, and marriage. I absolutely loved it and I am sad its over. I also was blessed with forming a connection with the teacher, Dr. Walker. I believe our relationship will easily continue outside of the classroom. She is a amazing person.

I enjoyed my job on campus-which was giving swim lessons to children over at the pool. Anyone who knows Coach Mary, knows this: She is one of the kindest people you'll ever meet.

I won't be back at LVC till January 14. Until then, I am ready to enjoy break. In only 24 hours I have snuck back into my late schedule. It's 2:23am as I write this.

My first semester is over, and I can't believe it. To sum it all up-I am very grateful. It was a challenging, wonderful, good, interesting, hard, rewarding 4 and a half months!


Gabi Dickinson said...

So proud of you for pressing on and completing the semester so well :) I know it's not all been easy or fun, but you've done it! Love you!

Anonymous said...

Congrads on ending your first semester! And I am so thrilled that you are a part of F-word! :) Hope your holiday is great!