Thursday, December 18, 2008

Airport Reflections

I see you stand outside the airport, luggage in hand.
Time has passed by us like seeping hour glass sand.
And you look a little tired, your hair really grew.
You look different from the last time I saw you.
I think, how could it be? Four months ago?
That we said goodbye and my heart sank low.
It's December now and an airplane brought you here.
And I now my eyes begin to tear-
as I jump out of the car! (We hug)
And the strings of my heart are tugged,
As you scream, I am home! I am home!
I don't think I could say in music, art or poem,
What it meant to touch and breathe and hear,
And to finally be near.
A Philadelphia air port brought me to ponder:
What can replace a friend?
What can make a broken heart mend?
Why do we say so little hello's and so many goodbyes?
Why do we let so much time pass us by?
What makes us leave a place?
Why do we part from a loved one's face?
If we have found true friendship somewhere,
Why do we look for it someplace else?
We pile your luggage into the car and speak:
And I swear, it feels like it did before we were miles a part.
It feels like again, it's just the start.
I close my eyes and I find peace.
I find calm and release.
For the first time in months I smile and sigh,
Because on this night in the airport,
I am yours again. And friend, how you are mine.

1 comment:

Gabi Dickinson said...

Whoever this is about, I'm sure their heart will be touched to read these words.