Friday, October 17, 2008

The Race

You must prove that you're enough.
You must prove, `Yeah. I know my stuff.`
Get the A, win the race, make the date.
Lines like, `Your confidence determines your fate.`
Keep the room clean, stay the right weight.
Don't laugh if its not right, never be late.
Sharpen the pencils, always maintain the smile.
Be smooth, be smart, have style.
The day is a mad rush,
And maybe your just a lush:
For simplicity, for stillness.
But for now, its not here.
Don't show tears, don't show fears.
Run the race right,
Or you'll be a sorry sight.
(Is that me?
What am I destined to be?)
Look good, play the game,
Get the recognition, achieve the fame.
And at night go to bed-
With no peace in your head,
And a regret on your lips,
For all the friendships,
you don't feel like you have.
Or all the trips,
you should be taking.
For all the time,
you feel like you can't find.
For all the serenity,
you want so badly.
And you'll sleep-
These thoughts will creep,
Till morning; when,
It's time to do it all over again.

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